Stalking is a crime.

With Valentine’s Day approaching we want to highlight the fact that stalking is not romantic. Stalking is illegal and stalkers can be held accountable. Stalking can include following, harassing, and/or intimidating someone in person, by phone, mail, over social media, or in other ways. Stalking behavior involves a series of acts which at first may …

Filing Taxes in Montana?

We’ve put together some helpful resources we think all low to moderate-income Montanans should know about. Earned Income Tax Credit – This credit can give workers and families a tax break. Be sure to check if you qualify when preparing your tax return. Elderly Homeowner Tax Credit – Montana homeowners and renters aged 62 or …

Montana Human Trafficking Rights Project

January is Human Trafficking Prevention Month: Connecting the Dots. Strengthening Communities. Preventing Trafficking. Everyone has the right to live and work safely. No one has the right to force someone to work or have sex for money, food, shelter, or safety- not family, friends, or partners. No one. This month, we raise awareness about human …

Misdemeanor Expungement

A fresh start is possible! MLSA is hosting free Clean Slate Clinics in Helena, Bozeman, and Billings March 24-28 to help low-income Montanans expunge old misdemeanor convictions from their criminal records. Phone appointments are also available! Pre-register to secure your spot at You can find more information about eligibility and next steps for how …

How to get help with your energy bill

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) can help with your energy bills and emergency furnace repairs. Eligibility for help is based on income and resource limits. If your household receives SNAP, SSI, or TANF benefits, you may automatically qualify for assistance. Both homeowners and renters may apply for these programs. For more information …

Safety Planning

If you have been thinking about ways to stay safe, we have an article to help you begin forming a safety plan: Safety Planning for Victims of Domestic Violence. A safety plan is a set of actions that can help lower your risk of future harm. You know your situation best- trust your judgment and …

Scams on the Rise

1. Fake shipping notification scams: Don’t click on links in messages about an unexpected delivery. Scammers use these to steal your personal information. 2. Open enrollment scams: Beware of ads offering free things like phones, gas cards, or cash for enrolling in a health insurance plan. These are often fraudulent. 3. Online shopping: Before buying …

Rights and Risks Under the Missoula Camping Ordinace

The Missoula Camping Ordinance was created to address the increase in unsheltered individuals camping in public areas in Missoula County. In response to a high number of questions about the ordinance coming in, we put together an article to help folks understand the rights and risks under the ordinance. In the article you’ll find answers …

Did you know your landlord cannot legally shut off your heat?

Snow is beginning to fall and temps are dropping across the state, which means it is time to remind everyone about your utility shut off rights. Your landlord must maintain utilities like heat, running water, electricity, and gas. You have rights if your landlord shuts off your utilities. Learn about your options in our article …