
Most Native Americans in Montana own some tribal trust land. That land is usually divided into small shares. When a trust land owner passes without a will, a Probate Judge decides what happens to the land based on complicated rules. Those rules can sometimes leave younger children without any land. In other cases, the Tribe can buy the land. Writing a valid will can help ensure that what happens to your land is your decision.

Montana Legal Services Association and the Indian Land Tenure Foundation partnered together to create a free Will-in-a-Box.  You can use the interactive program to create a free Indian Will that will say who should get your personal property, real estate, Individual Indian Money (IIM) Account, and Indian trust land after you pass. Find the free interactive will at: montanalawhelp.org/resource/indian-will-in-a-box.

Need more help? MLSA helps protect the legal rights of tribal members in relation to finances, benefits, housing, allotments, wills, and more.  To apply, contact Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) at 1-800-666-6899 or apply online at mtlsa.org/